
It's sometimes hard to believe how much Monroe Street has changed in the last forty years.  From the right side of the photo is the Bangor Cleaners; the building is still standing.  In the next building is Waugh's Jewelry and another unknown store; that building is now gone.  The third building is the old laundry mat; it too is gone.  Then, a very nice looking Elevator; which will soon look as good as, if not better than it does in this photo.  Across the railroad tracks to the right of the Elevator is Lowder's Cities Service station; there's still a station there, but a different building.  Next is the old bank, which is now a parking lot.  The building to the left of the bank once housed Moser's Creamery on the east and the library on the west side; it is still standing today.  The Bangor Advance office is next; it was torn down about the same time the new bank was built.  The photo dates to the late 1950's.  The young lady is Mary Murphy.

